

My name is Shahaf, nice to meet you!

◦ Data Scientist at Munich RE
◦ Tech-Business Reporter on Medium and X
◦ Software Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Researcher, Data Scientist
◦ Boston University Alum (BA in CS '22)
◦ Las Positas College Alum (AS in CS, AS in Physics, AA in Mathematics '20)

My Resume  

What's up?

Let me tell you about me:

I am 23 years old Tech Enthusiast living in NYC!
I am a Data Scientist at Munich RE, working in the Integrated Analytics division.
I graduated from Boston University in 2022 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a strong emphasis on Data Science and Machine Learning, after trasferring from a Las Positas California Community College in 2020, where I achieved 3 Associate's degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics.

I was born in Israel and moved to California at the age of 15.5 with my siblings dog and parents, where I hate continued to graduate from High School.

In my free time I enjoy working out, playing and watching basketball (go Warriors!), reading books, work on fun software projects, play the piano, and spend time with my family and friends.

Recently I started working on a new project with my undergraduate friends. We call it "The Board", where we develop appropriate, AI-based, software, to revolutionize the way education is being consumed.
More updates to follow!

All in all, that's me, and I'd love to connect! I am always interested in learning more about the tech world,

Boston University

BA Computer Science

2020 - 2022
Academic Activity

        ◦ Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts

        ◦ Research & Publication Projects:
                ‣ Operationalizing Creativity: Research Publication - ML models to operationalize creativity in AI generated artifacts (Prof. Dokyun Lee)
                ‣ AI Generated books: Research Publication - prompt engineering to generate academic books using GPT-4 technologies (Prof. Iddo Drori)
        ◦ Course Assistant, CS542 - Principles of Machine Learning

Relevant Classes
◦ Probability in Computing ◦ Deep Learning ◦ Algorithmic Analysis
◦ Foundation of Data Science ◦ Computation Tools for Data Science ◦ Software Engineering
◦ Machine Learning ◦ Machine Learning Lab Practicum ◦ Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Additional Activities

        ◦ Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity - President
        ◦ Student Government - Executive Board, Treasure
        ◦ TAMID StartUp Consulting Group - Director of Technology
        ◦ FinTech Club - Director of Quant
        ◦ Residence Hall Council, Myles - President

Las Positas College

AS Computer Science, AS Physics, AA Math

2018 - 2020
Academic Activity

       ◦ Computer Science, Associate of Sciences
       ◦ Mathematics, Associate of Liberal Arts and Sciences
       ◦ Physics, Associate of Sciences
       ◦ Computer Programming, Certificate

       ◦ Scholar: The Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science College Department
       ◦ Scholar: The American Council of Engineering Companies
       ◦ Scholar: Highest Academic Honors

       ◦ Honors Research Program: Conducted 6+ Faculty Supervised Research Projects
                ‣ Solar Panels: Efficiency, Mechanism, and Applications    Abstract
                ‣ Dictionary Tree: Language Reader Data Structure    Abstract  ◦  Code
                ‣ Movie De/Encryptor: Computer Architeture & Assembly Programming    Code
                ‣ Hash Tables: Efficiency, Mechanism, and Applications   Abstract
                ‣ PHP & SQL Site: Rate my Professor    Abstract  ◦  Code
                ‣ Fourier Transformations: Differential Equations & Euler's Formula    Abstract
                ‣ Superconductivity & Meissner Effect: Quantum Mechanics and Magentic Levitation    Abstract

Relevant Classes
◦ Computing Fundamentals I ◦ Data Structures Programming ◦ Discrete Mathematical Structures
◦ Computing Fundamentals II ◦ Assembly & Operating Systems ◦ Database Programming
◦ Capstone Project Development ◦ Object Oriented & Java Programming ◦ Linear Algebra
Additional Activities

        ◦ Alpha Gamma Sigma Honors Society (Sigma Theta Chapter) - President

               ‣ California State Mantovani Scholar in recognition outstanding academic and leadership performance.
               ‣ Superior Scholastic and Service Achievment Scholar.
               ‣ Randy Taylor Scholar.
               ‣ Sigma Theta Chapter Dedicated Member Award.
               ‣ Sigma Theta Chapter Faculty Advisor Tribute to Excellence Award.

        ◦ Chess Club - President, Founder
        ◦ Computer Engineering Club - Vice President
        ◦ Student Government - Executive Board, Director of Events
        ◦ Student Events Committee - Chair
        ◦ American Student Association D.C. - 2x College Representative
        ◦ Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honors Society) - Member, Top ranked AMATYC Scholar
        ◦ District Technology Cooridantion Committee - College Representative
        ◦ Student Achievments & Equity Committee - Student Body Representative

MIT - Professional Education

Applied Data Science Certificate

December 2022

The Program is an intense 14-week bootcamp designed with live lectures, inteactive asignments, and programming quizzes.
Topics: Neural Networks, CNNs, Regression / Classification / Clustering, Recommender Systems, TensorFlow, Keras, SciKit-Learn.
Capstone Project: Developed a supervised Keras CNN model to classify cells’ images as parasitized (Malaria) or uninfected.

IBM at Coursera

AI Engineering Certificate

November 2022
Skills & Tools

The Program (6-course, self paced) is the official Coursera and IBM AI Engineering educational certification program
Topics: Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Image Recognition, Computer Vision, OpenCV, PyTorch, Artificial Intelligence, Watson Studio.
Capstone Project: Developed a supervised Object Detection model to detect presence of stop signs in images (OpenCV).

Front End Dev.


Back End Dev.

Flask (Python)

Data (DS, DB, ML)

Pandas (Python)
Mongo DB
PyTorch (ML)
Tensorflow (ML)


Selenium (Python)
Linux / Unix
Microsoft Office

Munich RE

Data Scientist

Jul. 2023 - Present  ◦  NYC, NY
◦ Working on the Integrated Analytics Team


AI Research Scientist Intern

Jun. 2023 - Aug. 2023  ◦  Cambridge, MA
◦ Research, present demos, and explore SOTA frameworks to perform LLM fine-tuning on small models (LLaMa 7B, H20.ai, Python scripting)
◦ Read, summarize, and presented architectures of audio-compression and latent-space representation papers (SoundStream, Meta's EnCodec, SeGAN)
◦ Experiment with the restructuring of SOTA models (all Encoder-Decoder based) for increased accuracy and reduced compression size of audio files into latent spaces using methods such as quantization and network weights optimization (PyTorch, ClearML)

Rhodium Enterprises

Machine Learning Engineer Intern

Mar. 2023 - Jun. 2023  ◦  Remote
◦ Developed Graph Neural Network model to predict mining electricity consumption price based on collected data (humidity, temperature etc.)
◦ Worked in an agile framework to optimize ML prediction models for Bitcoin mining efficient using Keras and Tensorflow.
◦ Optimized LSTM network using Batch Normalization, Keras callbacks, and NN dropouts.

Hindsight Technology Solutions

Machine Learning Engineer Intern

Jan. 2023 - Apr. 2023  ◦  Boston, MA
◦ Working on NLP (SpaCy) engine implementation on AWS cloud services for web-scrapped text analysis.
◦ Created PoC for new recommender model; Collaborated with engineers to design code for a reliable deployment pipeline.
◦ Boosted prediction speed for large datasets by developing a multi-layer clustering algorithm to group web-pages, reducing complexity from O(k) to O(log k) while maintaining high accuracy (91%).

BU Spark!

Date Science & Software Engineering Intern

Dec. 2020 - May 2022  ◦  Boston, MA
◦ Structured data ETL pipelines to map multi-sourced data (APIs, DBs) into an accessible and unified structure.
◦ Designed ML learning models to predict results, recognize patterns, and generate business insights from mass data.
◦ Designed and developed a full stack web application for the company’s student portal.

Amber System Technologies

Full Stack Developer

Sep. 2018 - Apr. 2019  ◦  Pleasanton, CA
◦ Integrated a web-application with Point-Of-Solution system databases to provide online purchase capabilities..
◦ Developed application templates based on client-specified needs using HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX, jQuery, and various libraries.
◦ Designed PHP data-query SQL scripts using the PDO protocol to manipulate and analyze mass data.

Thank you!

For visiting my site and learning about me.